
Monday, 29 March 2021

How to be a good friend

Hi my name is Valeli. I’ll be talking about how to be a good friend.

Info 1: Caring. Caring is one of the things needed in a good friendship. You gotta care for them when they are in need of someone or just check if they're okay. For example if your friend doesn’t look so well you go check on them to see if they're doing alright.

Info 2: Being a role model. Being a good role model to your friend is the best thing you can do. Role models are people who show others the right way and the right thing, they never look down on others and they always care for you. So if your friend is doing the wrong thing and messing around and that you gotta step up and show your right thing to do so they don't get in trouble by anyone.

Info 3: Having fun. Having fun is one of the things that happens in a good friendship. Having fun with your bestfriend or just friend is great. If they're down you can go and cheer them up. For example if your friend just had a break-up and he's crying and all that you take him somewhere to go and hangout with them to cheer them up and get that thought out of their mind.

Conclusion: These are 3 ways of how to be a good friend. Having fun, Being a good role model and caring for them. I hope you take this Information into consideration.

These are my 3 ways on how to be a good friend to someone, hope you enjoy

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