
Thursday, 7 September 2017

my rocket ship

My Rocketship has to wing and one thruster. It also has tattoo on my Rocketship. It also has 10 window in the left and Right. It also has a dog mark.  When it get dark in space one of the tattoo light up in spaces. When I walk up to the station the harbord left me up to my rocket ship. Then the countdown went on 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 blast off. Zooming into space I look down I see people waving around the city. When I went to the sky I saw planes around the sky and also jet planes. Blasting out of new zealand I made it to space.When I was in space I was floating around space. I saw hundreds of comets zooming through space We went to visit mars. When we made it to mars we landed in mars. When I look up I saw two moons phobos and Deimos. When I look down I saw mars is a rock planet. Mars has no water just ice and also it is a sande planet. mars has the biggest volcano then ene volcano in the world.

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